Viv Branding Session at an old parking lot for Moon and Marble Photography
Viv Branding Session at an old parking lot for Moon and Marble Photography


Meet the Photographer; Viv Branding Session at Beacon Hill for Moon and Marble Photography

Hiiiii, I’m Vivolyn!

Enneagram 7. ENFP. Scorpio Sun & Rising, Capricorn Moon.

My friends call me Viv, my parents call me Beebs, and my husband calls me a doofus.

I’m an old soul who inherited my mother’s sense of childlike wonder. On any given day, you might find me sitting by a sunny window, philosophizing about the nature and purpose of our existence, or perhaps (and just as likely), doing kid things like climbing trees, rollerskating, longboarding - you get the idea.

At the age of 14, I began my journey armed with nothing but a little silver Canon point-and-shoot, curiosity, and a shutter-happy index finger. Other than the gear, the quality of my craft, and a few extra crinkles in the corners of my eyes, not much has changed.

Over the past 8 years, I have revelled in the joy of photographing moments of human connection. Whether that connection occurs between people in love, between family members, or someone simply getting back in tune with his/her/themself doesn’t matter to me.

It’s all my cup of tea! So, like… get in ma belly.

Meet the Photographer; Viv Branding Session at old parking lot for Moon and Marble Photography
Meet the Photographer; Viv Branding Session at old parking lot for Moon and Marble Photography
 more about your girl

Fun Facts

  1. I’m a PROUD Filipina. Yes, I can cook for you. No, I won’t force you to wear slippers in my house. But, my grandma might.

  2. China was my home for 6 years. I started in Luoyang, then moved to Dalian, and finally ended up in Shanghai. It was one of the best eras of my life. Plus, I learned how to speak Mandarin.

  3. I’m a high school English teacher. Even though the little darlings constantly test my patience, I love this job. See, teaching is a lot like being a wedding photographer; as long as I’m prepared for the day and focus on the foundation of trust and connection we’ve built together, then Bob Marley called it: “Every little thing is gonna be alright.”

  4. If you serve two pieces of toast with my meal, I’m going to make it a sandwich. This mostly applies to breakfast plates, but I’ve done it before with spaghetti and meatballs. I can’t help it, okay?! The real question is WHY was I served toast with spaghetti and meatballs in the first place? Think about that.

  5. Compulsively searching for new music is one of my main personality traits. I try to make at least one new playlist each month. Here’s the latest…


My Roommates

  • resident videographer/second shooter

  • my best friend in the whole world

  • very tall man

  • the only living human who knows all my secrets

  • makes excellent sandwiches

  • will work for pizza

paul gardner / husband

  • special little guy

  • real g’boyyy

  • catcher of balls

  • destroyer of toys

  • acts like we never feed him

  • triggered by counting

  • always watching

franklin / bodyguard